CAHSS and Effect

Canonball Episode 34: Conspiracy Theory and History (w/Dr. Clif Ganyard

Dr. Clif Ganyard is an Associate Professor of History and Humanities who earned his BA, MA, and PhD in History from SUNY at Buffalo.  His research and teaching interests include German and European history and culture, American history, science fiction, and jazz, and he has published work on German political culture. A noted teacher, he was awarded UWGB’s Founder’s Award for Excellence in teaching in 2010 and the UW Board of Regents Teaching Excellence Award in 2014.

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Random Encounter #13: In Which Chance, Algorithm, and Collaborative Story Building Are Exalted

Stories are more fun when we tell them together. Taking that a step further—stories are often more fun when we build them together. There persists this myth of the great artist, working feverishly (and alone) to make a masterpiece, the magnitude of which could only be rendered in an environment of social and creative isolation. And, sure, some great works of art might have been created in those conditions. But there also exists art that seeks to offer responses to the world from a place of interaction and connectivity. Collaborative story building, especially as articulated in games, are creative endeavors of the latter variety.

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Q & A: The Story Behind The Third Annual Common CAHSS 2021: Truth

The 2021 Common CAHSS event, themed “Truth, Information, Misinformation, and Democracy,” seeks to explore the role of the modern university in supporting the “continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found,” which has been part of the University of Wisconsin identity for over a century. Learn more about the Event from the event coordinators!

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Happy Hearts: You Had Me at Romance: Romcommunism and Romance Media

On my second journey through the delightful world of Ted Lasso, I am struck again by season 2 episode 5, “Rainbow.” Ted explains the concept of “romcommunism” and its tenet that everything will work out in the end. The ending might not be what we expected, and the journey may be arduous, but rom coms reassure us of some version of a happily-ever-after (HEA) or happily-for-now (HFN).

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What You Should Be Watching: the Squid Game

To suggest that you should be watching The Squid Game assumes that you aren’t or that you haven’t already, which is perhaps unlikely since it is now Netflix’s most popular and most-watched series ever. Despite being very violent (something that doesn’t normally appeal to me), suspenseful and intense, the themes and ideas presented are nonetheless interesting and worth thinking about in this so-called K-drama (think K-Pop but for a television).

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United Nations Day: October 24th

On October 24th each year, we celebrate the day the United Nations (UN) became a reality as the UN Charter officially entered into force. While you might have forgotten to send a card to your favorite international organizations, friend (or professor), or have not brushed up on your memorization of the sovereignty clause (Article 2.1), the day is an important time to acknowledge the value of the UN and appreciate its work.

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