In Summer 2023, students in ENG333: Literary Themes: Vampires studied the nineteenth century vampire before DRACULA and some of these vampires’ modern counterparts and spinoffs. Together, they compiled an Annotated Bibliography of recent peer-reviewed scholarship on these vampire tales. Then, they consulted the bibliography to write critical and creative blog posts. Here are a selection of the posts. Enjoy!
The Vampire in the Nineteenth Century and Beyond, Outside Dracula. An Annotated Bibliography by Literary Topics: Vampires students Summer 2023.
Aubrey Laux: Fears of Being Alone in Carmilla and What We Do in the Shadows
Grace Martin: Through the Eyes of an 1840s Woman: Varney the Vampyre
Jon Levendusky: You Were Always One of Us or Ghouls Garden: A Vampyre Tale in the American West
Taiyana Plummer: African American Gothic: Historical Truth and Controlled Perception
Autumn Johnson: A Comparison of Power Dynamics Among Vampires
Josephine Hinderman: The Lunar Lunacy and Societal Stigma of Vampires
Mia Bolyard: Sexual Sadism and the Vampire
Presley Cornelius: Female Vampires Are Badass Too
Rebecca Stewart: The Satanic, Romanticism, and Vampires: How Vampires in The Black Vampyre and Carmilla Relate to the Satanic
Syd Morgan: “I’m Taking Him Down With Me”: Heroine Transformations in Carmilla, Varney the Vampire, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and The Vampire Diaries
Tierney Dewane: The Vampire in Human Skin: The Idea of the Vampire as a Socially Integrated Person who Turns out to be a Menace in John Polidori’s The Vampire and Jessica M. Thompson’s The Invitation